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Oncology Aesthetics: Module 3
What we can offer as Hairdressers & Beautians
Oncology Aesthetics for Hairdressers /Barbers (0:44)
Offering A Wig Service (24:55)
Oncology Aesthetics presentation
training powerpoint
Meet the survivors
interview with Emma Breast Cancer (20:42)
Part 2 - Interview with Emma (19:31)
Cold Cap (34:41)
regrowth after chemo 6 mts
Hair loss from chemotherapy (4:17)
Hair loss from Radiotherapy
The Scalp and Hair Regrowth
Side Affects From Treatment (17:59)
Wig foundations
Purchasing a wig (7:02)
Different foundations (7:24)
wig fiber mix (6:17)
caring for a wig (1:45)
Custom made pieces
Making a custom made piece (15:28)
Measuring the head for a wig (4:55)
Partial hair loss after cancer treatment
toppers /t-partings (3:39)
secret spots
Consultation Forms
Consultations and intake forms (12:43)
Purchasing details /consultation forms
HSE funding available in ireland
letter to doctor
Running your hair scalp & wig clinic
marketing your clinic (1:14)
please fill out completion form for certification
weekly couching march 23rd 2021 (11:40)
weekly couching 31th march (63:42)
weekly couching 7th april (86:03)
wkly couching 14th /4 t-partings/ toppers (58:05)
weekly zoom product knowledge and consultation (55:11)
letter to doctor
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